My Mortgage Blog — Latest Posts
The growth of private mortgage lending
Getting a mortgage from a bank or a non-bank lender has become a bit more challenging.With the recent introduction of new mortgage rules, lenders have had to tighten their qualifying guidelines. The...
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Are you thinking about buying a house?
Buying a house should be exciting but it can get pretty stressful at times.Now, with new mortgage rules, that stress might get worse. You may worry you won’t qualify or you’re not sure if your down...
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Consider getting pre-approved before January 1, 2018
There is not a lot of time left. New home buyers may want to consider getting a pre-approval before the new rules come into effect on January 1, 2018. Some lenders have already implemented the new...
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Behind on your mortgage payments?
There are times in our lives when the unexpected happens and we find it difficult to cope financially. It could be a job loss, an unexpected illness, the death of a loved one or separation and...
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